How to use locations with Printrooster?

There are couple of different ways to utilize locations with Printrooster in your Shopify store. You can create location based Packing slips, location based printing buttons and print orders by location. The best solution you get by utilizing all of these ways.

Create location based packing slips

You can create location based packing slips by going to Printrooster -> templates -> + New template from packing slip section. Packing slip templates uses fulfillment order data meaning the data for every separate fulfillment. So if you have an order with split fulfillments meaning two or more fulfillments inside one order you can print packing slip based on that one specific fulfillment. This can come extremely handy when you are shipping orders from two locations or more. This way the customer can have shipment specific packing slips.

Create location based printing buttons

You can create location based printing buttons by going to Printrooster -> buttons -> + New button (remember to create a packing slip button if you want to utilize fulfillment orders). From the buttons setting page you can select which locations have access to this button. You can choose one or many if nothing is selected it will show the button on all locations. After the button has a location set you can simply select the location from Printroosters top right corner that says "Select location" after that the designated buttons will be visible in the front page for selected location.

Print orders by location

You can print orders by selected location in Printrooster. After you select the location you want to print from in Printrooster top right corner where it says "Select location" all the orders from selected location will be under your printing buttons. After selecting the location Printrooster will exclude all other locations orders from the buttons so you are able to print orders only from the selected location. If you are using order buttons there can be orders from other locations if the order has two or more location shipments in the order. If you want to print orders only from the selected location wether there is any other fulfillments in the order from other location please remember to use packing slip buttons since they use fulfillment order data.

If you need any help with using locations with Printrooster please contact us and we will be more than happy to help you! Happy printing!