How to print orders from one location?

In Printrooster Order Printing you have the ability to print orders from any specific location you have. This comes very handy if you have multiple locations that you ship your orders from. By selecting one location you are able to print only the orders that are in for said location.

Select your desired location by opening Printrooster -> Select location (top right corner) -> select the location you want to print from. All your buttons will now show only orders from the selected location and will not print orders from other locations you have. You can also have location based buttons that are only visible in the selected location for easy use. Remember if you print an order with an order template and the order is split in two or more locations it will show the whole order in the print. You can use packing slip templates to show only the items in the specific locations fulfillment order.

If you need help setting up your location based printing you can contact us and we will help you out!