How to edit templates
With Printrooster Order Printing, you can create customizable order templates, wether they'd be invoices, packing slips, returns labels, customs declaration papers - or even the combination of these or something totally different. You can also create picking list templates and packing slip templates. Packing slip templates can also use location data and split fulfillments so you can print packing slips of split orders and different locations.
Fully customizable code editor
Templates can be created, duplicated, removed and edited from "Templates" section of Printrooster. You can create Packing slip templates for fulfillment orders, split shipments and locations. Order templates for receipts, invoices etc. And also picking lists to ease your order picking in warehouse.
Printrooster templates have fully customizable code editor. So you can create anything from basic receipts to customs declarations. Templates can be coded with HTML, CSS and Liquid. If you don't know how to code we have made some basic ready to use templates that you can choose to use or edit. If you need help creating a custom template, get in touch with our customer service. We help you create the template of your dreams for free.