How to print product labels

Besides filtering Shopify orders behind printing buttons and creating unique packing slips and picking lists, Printrooster Order Printing can be utilized to print out product labels

Let's have an example. An order is made to your Shopify store and it contains 5 products. You want to print out a product label from each of those products, each label containing the product and variant title plus the product image of those products. You have a Rollo product label printer that uses 2.25 x 3.5 inch labels.

First you must create an template in Printrooster and set the size of the template to match the size of your product label in millimeters: 

Then you loop through items in the orders and render the desired information from the orders to the template, like this:

Then the important part: You add a page break to the template, after each product section using CSS:

Page break

This way each product prints out to their own product label for you to use wherever you want!